Lexitech NetKey update, March 4, 1999 -- News, usage tips and case studies
for the foremost Internet kiosk platform.  Your source for information on
kiosk industry news and Lexitech's patented software (U.S. Patent 5,761,071)

--Table of Contents--
***Lexitech NetKey News Flash***
***Kiosk Industry News***
***NetKey Usage Tip***

Send us your tips and case studies ... if we publish it, we will send you a
free gift.  Also, tell us if there is additional information you want to
see.  Send it to mailto:[email protected]

***Lexitech NetKey News Flash***


Lexitech is seeking qualified partners for international distribution of
Lexitech NetKey.  If you are interested, send us a brief note about your
company via e-mail at mailto:[email protected] and mail us your printed
materials to:

                Paul Blodgett
                Lexitech, Inc.
                32 Park Drive East
                Branford, CT  06405

More details of the program will appear on our site http://www.lexitech.com/
in the coming weeks, but get a head start today.

***Kiosk Industry News***

GlobalShop 1999
Chicago's McCormick Place
March 27-29, 1999

More than 1000 Exhibits of all kinds of fixtures, visual merchandising
products, operations/construction products and services, and interactive
displays/technology for every kind of retailer, store design professional,
visual merchandiser, brand marketer, and IT professional.

***NetKey Usage Tip***

Question:  My site seems a lot slower under NetKey 3.0 than it did under
NetKey 2.1�Is NetKey's new version causing this?

Answer:  No.  However, NetKey 3.0 is set by default to not display the
selected page until the entire page is loaded vs. progressive rendering of
the graphics.


To enable progressive rendering in NetKey 3.0, you will need add the
ProgressiveRendering property to the browser definition(s) in your NTK file.
To do this, you will need to open your NTK file in a text editor (Notepad
will do).

   Lexitech NetKey Version 3.0 (7)
   Begin Screen Internet Browser
      Begin Browser
      End Browser
   End Screen Internet Browser

If your NTK file contains more than one screen with a browser, you should
add the ProgressiveRendering property to each browser object.

NetKey will now display your page parts as they come instead of waiting for
the entire page to complete.

Submit your Case Study or Usage Tip to mailto:[email protected]

***How to Unsubscribe***

If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, send an e-mail to
mailto:[email protected] with the following in the body of the message:

unsubscribe netkey-list

To remove an address other than the one from which you are sending the
request, give that address in the command:

unsubscribe ne

Paul W. Blodgett
Lexitech, Inc.
32 Park Drive East
Branford, CT  06405
Ph: 203-483-2888
Fax: 203-483-2893

Thanks Kinetic!

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