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Tomorrow's Generation of Kiosk Technology

By: Behshad Hastibakhsh

Over the years, the kiosk industry has become the focal point of technological progress with the metamorphosis of the "PC in the Box" concept into tailored solutions for a myriad of applications. This metamorphosis marks the convergence of multiple communication and information channels at a single point of access, and the emergence of a new generation of web-enabled interactive kiosks known as the Customer Engagement Center (CEC).

Info Touch Technologies Corp, North America's leading 'Clicks and Mortar' solution provider, has successfully integrated cutting edge technologies to showcase hardware agnostic CECs with end-user centric features and applicability across vertical sectors. What distinguishes the CEC from its predecessors is the enhanced customized and agile functionality obscuring the boundaries of the physical and virtual world.

The CEC embodies the blending of the online and offline world utilizing breakthrough technologies to extend the reach and product offerings of traditional bricks and web-based only organizations. In other words, it is a visible evolution from the early days of "PC in the Box" for mere Internet access.

Info Touch employs Surfnet Premiere, its proprietary best-in-class kiosk management software platform, for customized solutions across vertical sectors with areas of focus including Retail, Finance, E-Government and Telecom. Surfnet Premiere is the technology platform that enables access to e-services offerings, such as:

  • Web browsing
  • E-mail access (Text, Photo, Video)
  • Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP)
  • Video teleconferencing
  • Maps & Direction (Search / Printout)
  • E-banking services
  • Bill payment
  • E-commerce
  • Wireless services
  • 802.11 b
  • Couponing
  • Ticketing
  • Access to e-government services
  • Access to professional services
  • Automated self-serve functions, etc.

Info Touch's new breed of CEC is a self-maintaining multi-function profit center offering consumers the satisfaction of easy access to e-based services. Info Touch is the first 'Click and Mortar' solution provider to deliberately move away from an online advertising model, and to partner with CMMI, Clicks and Mortar Media Inc, in provisioning exclusive "Monetization Services". The "Monetization" Model converses repeated usage of e-based application offerings into multiple streams of revenue.

The kiosk industry is taking note on how Info Touch is joining hands with technology giants such as Compaq, Microsoft, MCI WorldCom, and alike to pioneer the new vision: Developing tomorrow's generation of kiosk technology.


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