November 19, 2003

Report on E-Government in UK

The Office fo the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) has published a report Process Evaluation of the Implementation of Electronic Local Government in England: Research summary.

The report has been put together by the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

This report takes a look under the bonnet of eGovernment to see how it's going in relation to the 2005 targets. and the main finding is unsurprising: The area where the early impacts of local e-government have been fastest to appear is in the provision of information.

91% of authorities report an increase in the number of ways the public can access information, and 78% have seen an increase in the take-up of e-enabled information. Progress has been somewhat slower in relation to the joint delivery of complex services, although almost a third of authorities (31%) have already seen an increase in this area.

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Posted by Craig at November 19, 2003 04:00 PM