November 08, 2004

Tesco and Music Download

Tesco gets into music download game

UK supermarket chain Tesco has launched its own music download service via its website.

The online store opens today, using Microsoft technology, and will sell tracks for �1.13 (79p) and albums for at �11.44 (�7.99). The supermarket has collected a catalogue of some 500,000 songs prior to launch.

Tesco believes that its store's selling point will be the quality of its downloads, which are digitised at a higher standard than most existing music download services. The company believes this will also attract a wider audience for the product.

"Music buying is changing," said chief executive Laura Wade Gery. "We know that for the first time dads are spending more on music each week than their teenage sons, and they're more likely to be attracted to music players and downloads because of quality of sound."

Posted by Craig at November 8, 2004 04:08 PM