January 11, 2005

Kiosks as Distribution Channels

Kiosks Are Viable Prepaid Distribution Channels

The Prepaid Press
Jan 04 2005 : Self-serve kiosks that are deployed as a prepaid distribution channel enable retailers to build loyalty in the underbanked market while stitching together multiple electronic points of sale at a store. The prepaid industry is currently integrating prepaid debit cards with electronic delivery and transaction systems, and self-serve kiosks are growing as a customer outreach channel. To this end, a retailer that issues prepaid debit cards at a self-serve kiosk can meet their customers' immediate financial needs and enable those customers to avail of services that were previously beyond their reach.

If prepaid cards are available from a self-service kiosk, consumers can request a card through this channel and load funds to the card either on the spot, or at a separate service point. Essentially, this prepaid card is a conduit to financial services offered by the retailer, and to card payment services for Internet, telephone or kiosk purchases. For prepaid wireless services, similarly, the prepaid debit card can be designated as a payment card for topping up an account that is low in airtime, while giving the provider access to the customer's personal data for marketing purposes.

Posted by Craig at January 11, 2005 02:33 PM