February 02, 2008

Thin Client - new solutions from KIOSK, HP & Wyse

From Thin Client.org : New offerings from self-service kiosk provider KIOSK announced. Hiring stations for Walmart are example of self-service kiosks utilizing thin clients. KIOSK is now offering customers wishing to use thin clients a complete range of manufacturers including but not limited to HP, VXL, Ncomputing, Wyse, Neoware and DTRI. Custom computing platforms such as mini-ITX from Intel ($79 retail) are available for integration.

source link thinclient.org

Thin Client Overview

Many of our customers have speciallized PC requirements which can require integration of a thin client terminal. These pc terminals most notably by HP Compaq, Wyse and others operate as thin client either via ICA or RDP protocols. Additionally there are multi-user terminals (such as Ncomputing) that facilitate multiple RDP clients supported by one central host PC.

"Thin Clients" also must be selected for the Operating System or O/S that is appropriate. The potential OS varies from vendor specific O/S to Linux to all variants of Windows (XP Pro, XP Embedded, WePOS or CE).

Thin Client Options

* Multi-station
o Ncomputing - multi-station

* Conventional
o HP Compaq
o Neoware
o Wyse
o Other various

KIOSK has the experience and expertise to assist you in selecting, integration and support of these units.

Posted by staff at February 2, 2008 09:20 AM