Lexitech NetKey update, February 5, 1999 -- News, usage tips and case
studies for the foremost Internet kiosk platform.  Your source for
information on kiosk industry news and Lexitech's patented software (U.S.
Patent 5,761,071)

--Table of Contents--
***NetKey Update***
***NetKey Usage Tip***

Send us your tips and case studies ... if we publish it, we will send you a
free gift.  Also, tell us if there is additional information you want to
see.  Send it to mailto:[email protected]

***NetKey Update***

International Distributors Wanted

Lexitech is seeking qualified partners for international distribution of
Lexitech NetKey.  If you are interested, send us a brief note about your
company via e-mail at mailto:[email protected].  More details of the
program will appear on our site http://www.lexitech.com/ in the coming
weeks, but get a head start today.

***NetKey Usage Tip***

Problem:  What will happen to my application when I want to use IE 5.0?

Solution:  Microsoft's Internet Explorer 5.0 is currently in beta release.
Preliminary tests indicate NetKey Version 3.0 has no difficulty operating
with this version.

However, bear in mind that once officially released, Lexitech will need to
test NetKey with the browser again.

Submit your Case Study or Usage Tip to mailto:[email protected]

***How to Unsubscribe***

If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, send an e-mail to
mailto:[email protected] with the following in the body of the message:

unsubscribe netkey-list

To remove an address other than the one from which you are sending the
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unsubscribe netkey-list [email protected]

Paul W. Blodgett
Lexitech, Inc.
32 Park Drive East
Branford, CT  06405
Ph: 203-483-2888
Fax: 203-483-2893

Thanks Kinetic!

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