Kiosk Newsbit

Our Second Annual Telecommunications Service Industry Conference

st & Sullivan, Inc.
                         [email protected]

is proud to announce:

                Our Second Annual Telecommunications 
                   Service Industry Conference
             Strategies for Success in the New Millennium

October 8-9, 1998
Bost Park Plaza Hotel
Boston, Massachusetts

The Telecommunications Service industry has seen market 
transformations within the past two and a half years since the
Telecommunications Act of 1996. Many service providers have needed
to reevalute their market strategies and service offerings - have
you done the same?  The companies that will succeed in this new
dynamic marketplace will be willing to act proactively to be 
prepared for all new possible challenges.

Our Second Annual Telecommunications Service Industry Conference 
provides the latest keys to success. Leading authorities will share 
with you their experiences and insights about the future of the 
telecommunications industry. With that in mind, we have assembled 
an outstanding group of experts to provide you with invaluable 
insights and solutions to your business. 

For More Information:

Download the full brochure in Adobe Acrobat format:

Obtain a free copy of Adobe Acrobat for Mac & Windows systems:

Sponsorship and Corporate Participation Opportunities
It's not too late to become a sponsor. Companies may also participate
as exhibitors and gain access to customers and prospects at 
telecommunications services firms, raising their visibility in the 
marketplace. Space is limited and will be filled on a first-come,
first-served basis.


To request more information:
 - visit us at
 - fill out the form below and return to [email protected], or
 - fax in the below registration form to 212.619.0831, or
 - call us at 212.964.7000  Ask for Jason Brandi or Robert Varipapa

Registration Form
Please provide/correct the information below and mark, "X", your
selections!  Make sure the following information is included in your

< > YES, Send me a free brochure about the Second Annual 
    Telecommunications Services Industry Conference (2988-06) 
    October 7-9, 1998, Boston, MA

< > YES, Please send me more information on participating as an 
    exhibition and sponsorship opportunities

< > Correction: Please make the following changes to my interest codes
    and address information

Thanks Kinetic!

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