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Press Release


                       Frost & Sullivan, Inc.
          An International Marketing & Consulting Company



 is proud to announce:

     Fourth Annual Competitive Intelligence in Business Conference

            Competitive Benchmarking Tools and Techniques
                       to Survive and Prosper

 Seaport Hotel at the
 World Trade Center
 Boston, Massachusetts
 September 15-16, 1998

 Outpaced by the competition?  Your competitors have been studying
 your marketing techniques and information systems for their own
 advantage.  They have co-opted your ideas and combined them with
 their own.  Where does that leave you?

 Every day companies are making increased
 financial and resource commitments to the business intelligence
 process.  If you expect to > survive and prosper, you need to take advantage
 of these tool and techniques.

 Our Fourth Annual Competitive Intelligence (CI) in Business
 Conference will provide you with new methodologies which promise
 higher yields of quality competitor data, better analytical and
 decision-making procedures, and increasing sophistication in
 technological support.  With that in mind, we have assembled an
 outstanding group of experts to provide you with invaluable insights
 and solutions to your business intelligence and benchmarking efforts.

 CI is serious business, the pathway of successful organizations is
 littered with fallen opponents. Ready for the challenge?

 For More Information:

 Download the full brochure in Adobe Acrobat format:

 Obtain a free copy of Adobe Acrobat for Mac &Windows systems:


 Who Should Attend

 This valuable conference is appropriate for any executive concerned
 with improving profitability or market share though the effective use
 of competitive intelligence and benchmarking.  These discussions are
 appropriate for managers at all levels who allocate resources and
 make strategic decisions or implement programs,
  - CEOs, Presidents, and Directors
  - Business Development Professionals
  - Strategic Planning Professionals
  - Competitive Intelligence Professionals
  - Marketing Management
  - Product Management
  - Sales Management
  - Information Management Professionals
  - Market Research Management
  - Industry Consultants
  - Investment Bankers
  - Public Relations and Advertising Executives

 Sponsorship and Corporate Participation Opportunities

 It's not too late to become a sponsor. Companies may also participate
 as exhibitors and gain access to customers and prospects from top
 companies in the industry, raising their visibility in the
 marketplace. Space is limited and will be filled on a first-come,
 first-served basis.  For more information about these opportunities,
 call Gary Robbins at 212.964.7000 or fill out
 the information request below.


 International Organizations

 For all international companies interested in
 Frost & Sullivan
 conference products, please contact the
 following divisions:
  - Latin America Business Development
    Sylvia Navarro, 650.237.4393
  - Asia & Far-East Business Development
    Lauren Hsu, 650.237.4387
  - European Business Development
    Meyer Harroch, 212.964.7000 x 208

 Or please feel free to respond below:


 To request more information:
  - visit us at http://www.frost.com/conferences
  - fill out the form below and return to [email protected], or
  - fax in the below registration form to 212.619.0831, or
  - call us at 212.964.7000  Ask for Jason Brandi or Robert Varipapa

 Registration Form

 Please provide/correct the information below and
 mark, "X", your selections!  Make sure the following information
 is included in your reply.

 < > YES, Send me a free brochure about attending
 our Fourth Annual Competitive Intelligence in Business
 Conference Boston, MA - September 15-16, 1998 (2984-06)

 < > YES, Please send me more information on
 participating as an exhibition and sponsorship opportunities

 < > Correction: Please make the following
 changes to my interest codes and address information

 Frost & Sullivan Interest Codes:
 Electronic: ( )         Transportation: ( )
 Healthcare: ( )
 Telecommunications: (X) Aerospace: ( )
 Environment: ( )
 Information: (X)        Industrial: ( )
 Chemical: ( )
 Consumer: ( )           Other: kiosks
 These codes represent your interest - for
 changes please correct the
 codes above and reply to this message
 Your Contact Information:
 Name:        Craig Keefner
 Title:       President
 Company:     Kedas
 Address:     1101 Fremont Pl
              Burnsville, MN  55337
 Country:     US
 Phone:       612-895-1752
 EMail:       [email protected]

 In the near future, we will be releasing small
 amounts of information on topics where your Interest Codes are marked
 with an (X). This information will undoubtedly be valuable
 interest to your organization.

 However, if you still wish to unsubscribe,
 please send a blank email
 message to [email protected] with the words:
 UNSUBSCRIBE [First name] [Last Name]
 c Copyright 1998 by Frost & Sullivan Conference
 - All Rights Reserved
 Voice: 212.964.7000     Fax: 212.619.0831
 Email: [email protected]

 To Register with Frost & Sullivan Online:


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Thanks Kinetic!

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