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��Press Release
I hope you will be able to visit KAL at the BAI RD 2001 show December 11-13 at the Anaheim Convention Center in California. We plan to exhibit a great number of ATM and kiosk systems and our display at the show should be very interesting and exciting.
Our booth will include...
Kalignite CE
KAL will be exhibiting a totally new concept in ATM design - one that is based on Microsoft's Windows CE. Our newest product release - called Kalignite CE - will illustrate that you can achieve great functionality in a very low cost system.
For a preview visit Also, please see the article about Kalignite CE on ATM Marketplace
News Story
Kalignite - Interoperability with many systems
The ATM systems we will be demonstrating are designed to highlight the advantages of a Web-based design and contain features including financial transactions, e-commerce transactions, Customer Relationship Management functionality (for example, using personal 'myATM'preferences to customize the interaction with the consumer) and many
other very exciting capabilities. The newest release of Kalignite will be demonstrated running on a variety of ATMs from different manufacturers highlighting that Kalignite is fully XFS compliant and provides complete interoperability with virtually every major ATM
manufacturer in the world.
Kalignite Web Commerce Client (KWCC)
KWCC will be demonstrated delivering dramatic web-enabled content to various ATMs and kiosks.
Kalignite - driving complex peripherals
Manufacturers that produce self-service components, including complex ones like bunch note acceptors, work directly with KAL to ensure that their products operate in a Kalignite system. This display further illustrates that KAL supplies great self-service software to a very broad spectrum of clients including component manufacturers, systems
integrators and end customers.
If you would like to arrange a private showing or would like to set aside a time to meet please let me know and I will be glad to arrange it.
I hope to see you at the show.
Steve Hensley
KAL Executive Vice President
+1 (937)748-0599